Alert Has Not Been Polled in over 10 minutes


I know you are busy but when I log in in the morning I open my email and it is flooded with alerts "Hasn't been polled in 10 minutes" then an email "is successfully polling again". All of these nodes have not gone down but SolarWinds think they did or couldn't poll them.

My network path services from an internal server to has been up with 1ms of latency. 

What causes this false negative?

  • One of the reasons could be as mentioned in the below article - not polling issue, a simple restart of your SolarWinds Services can also fix the issue or rebooting your SolarWinds server might fix it, there could be several reasons which could be specific to your environment, I am just highlighting a generic one which I have seen in the past. Hope this helps.

  • Thanks for responding but the server was rebooted a few days ago and these instructions are basically backing up historical data then restarting the services which a reboot also does. I need to know how to troubleshoot issues with alerting and false positives. 

  • The alert is looking for a gap, if you have a gap and don't want to alert, then you should increase the smoothing and/or disable that alert around downtime

    I do have grouped version of this alert, but the above is the more direct solution

    I quite like setting the alerting service to delayed start, this gets reset on every config wizard run though

  • In simple terms, no matter what polling you are using the alert that you are talking about looks for this field 'LAST DATABASE UPDATE', open a node page of any device and under polling details you will see this field which ideally will be within your polling cycle. If this field is in a past date which is > 10 mins (ideally the alert looks for Last Database Sync but check your Last Database Update this is much easier to start with then you can dig into the database for Last Database Sync) you will see the default alert fire. As you said false positive why is this happening as end device is up and running and SolarWinds services are up and running and everything is working as expected. There could be several reasons to it which is difficult to pin point without checking your environment, let me state a few below:

    1. It could a performance issue on your SolarWinds environment - which is why I posted the link in my previous post. (As well check if there are any data gaps on the node, open anything like CPU Utilization check if SolarWinds is capturing data once in every X minutes, where X is your polling interval). 

    2. It could an issue with the end device itself, its not responding to the poll within specified limit.

    3. It could be an issue with latency in your environment - round trip time from your SolarWinds server to the end device where they are hosted.

    Start with point 1, make sure all your servers are good plus your DB as well including latency from your pollers to DB, if there aren't any performance issues then you look at other things as mentioned in point 2 and 3 etc etc

    Hope this helps.