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Problems with the Analyzer

Whenever I try to analyze a directory on a file server I get the following error:

Warning, some information outside the active domain was unreachable: Failed to search in domain

The credetntials test ok and I can run the tool against a file share on a workstation.

Anyone else seen this issue with this tool?

  • This may mean the application failed to authenticate against the remote domain controller that should be in trust with the domain controller that is marked as "Active". Do you have all the domain controllers added in the Settings?

    You can also check the log. Enable the detailed logging first by editing your user settings file (in folder "c:\Users\<accountname>\AppData\Local\SolarWinds\PermissionsAnalyzer.exe_Url_rwhmfocqhfsss3dkrq1clxtpwz4oqm5e\\"). Look for the following:

    <setting name="LoggingLevel" serializeAs="String">



    Change the value inside the "value" tag to 4. When you restart the app and reproduce the issue, the log will be available at %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\SolarWinds\PermissionsAnalyzer\PermissionsAnalyzer.log.

    You can post the log here.

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember in reply to michalB

    I have been experiencing the same problems.

    I think the cause is that -- based on my cursory glance at the log -- the Permissions Analyzer does not limit its search to the domain where I'm a Domain Admin of. Or, to be precise: My domain of "" trusts another domain "", but I am *not* a DomainAdmin of the latter, just the former.

    Is there any way to limit the search to just one domain?

    Here's the log:

    06/18/2012 15:01:42 [05] DEBUG AdHelper Creating AdHelper - server, login id_ppoluan
    06/18/2012 15:01:42 [05] DEBUG AdHelper loginPath: LDAP://,DC=carrefour,DC=com
    06/18/2012 15:01:42 [05] DEBUG AdHelper connected
    06/18/2012 15:01:43 [11] DEBUG AdHelper Creating AdHelper - server ho_sdomain01, login idpoluanp
    06/18/2012 15:01:44 [11] DEBUG AdHelper loginPath: LDAP://ho_sdomain01/DC=id,DC=carrefour,DC=com
    06/18/2012 15:01:44 [11] DEBUG AdHelper connected
    06/18/2012 15:15:16 [01] DEBUG MainWindow Validating path
    06/18/2012 15:15:16 [01] DEBUG MainWindow Path is valid.
    06/18/2012 15:15:16 [10] DEBUG MainWindow Starting analysis
    06/18/2012 15:15:16 [10] DEBUG MainWindow Parameters:
    06/18/2012 15:15:16 [10] DEBUG MainWindow Current Settings:
    Active Server:
    Server entries:
    Server='', Domain='id007', Username='id_ppoluan', Password='I'll never tell'
    Caching: False
    Software Graphics OverrideFalse
    User Filter:
    Current Domain:
    Current Machine: HO_NPEPOLUAN
    06/18/2012 15:15:16 [01] INFO  Progress Looking for user 'id_shutagalung2'.
    06/18/2012 15:15:16 [10] DEBUG MainWindow Domain Credential='id007', DomainName='id007', DomainSpecified='True'
    06/18/2012 15:15:16 [10] DEBUG MainWindow Impersonating Domain='id007', Username='id_ppoluan'.
    06/18/2012 15:15:16 [10] DEBUG AdHelper Creating AdHelper - server id007, login id_ppoluan
    06/18/2012 15:15:16 [10] DEBUG AdHelper loginPath: LDAP://id007/DC=id,DC=carrefour,DC=com
    06/18/2012 15:15:16 [10] DEBUG AdHelper connected
    06/18/2012 15:15:16 [10] DEBUG MainWindow AdHelper working as IP='id007', Username='id_ppoluan, TrustedDomainSearchEnabled='False'.
    06/18/2012 15:15:16 [10] DEBUG AdHelper Search "id_shutagalung2", property displayOrAccountName, matching Exact, type EpReader.ActiveDirectory.IAdObject
    06/18/2012 15:15:16 [10] DEBUG AdHelper DirectorySearcher filter: (&(|(&(objectClass=user)(!(objectClass=computer)))(objectClass=group))(|(sAMAccountName=id_shutagalung2)(displayName=id_shutagalung2)))
    06/18/2012 15:15:16 [10] DEBUG MainWindow Impersonating Domain='id007' and username='id_ppoluan'.
    06/18/2012 15:15:16 [10] DEBUG MainWindow Found user with SID='S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151'.
    06/18/2012 15:15:16 [10] DEBUG MainWindow Found path='LDAP://id007/CN=Susi Hutagalung,OU=Merchandise,OU=userc4,DC=id,DC=carrefour,DC=com'.
    06/18/2012 15:15:16 [10] DEBUG MainWindow Found account name='id_shutagalung2'.
    06/18/2012 15:15:16 [10] DEBUG AdHelper Creating AdHelper - server, login id_ppoluan
    06/18/2012 15:15:16 [10] DEBUG AdHelper loginPath: LDAP://,DC=carrefour,DC=com
    06/18/2012 15:15:16 [10] DEBUG AdHelper connected
    06/18/2012 15:15:16 [10] DEBUG MainWindow AdHelper working as IP='', Username='id_ppoluan, TrustedDomainSearchEnabled='True'.
    06/18/2012 15:15:17 [01] INFO  Progress 
    06/18/2012 15:15:17 [01] INFO  Progress Reading NTFS rights
    06/18/2012 15:15:17 [10] DEBUG FileRights Creating instance for path '\\ho_sfilesrv01\Merchandise'
    06/18/2012 15:15:17 [10] DEBUG FileRights MachineName is
    06/18/2012 15:15:17 [10] DEBUG FileRights Reading ACL
    06/18/2012 15:15:17 [10] DEBUG FileRights Creating Security Items
    06/18/2012 15:15:17 [10] DEBUG FileRights Security Items created.
    06/18/2012 15:15:17 [01] INFO  Progress 
    06/18/2012 15:15:17 [01] INFO  Progress Calculating NTFS permissions
    06/18/2012 15:15:17 [10] DEBUG FileRights ShareRights.GetSecurityItemForIdentity2 S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151
    06/18/2012 15:15:17 [10] DEBUG FileRights Getting list of all parents
    06/18/2012 15:15:17 [10] DEBUG AccessRightsBase GetAdParents ID007\id_shutagalung2
    06/18/2012 15:15:17 [10] DEBUG AccessRightsBase Find first object
    06/18/2012 15:15:17 [10] DEBUG AdHelper Search "S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151", property objectSid, matching Exact, type EpReader.ActiveDirectory.IAdObject
    06/18/2012 15:15:17 [10] DEBUG AdHelper DirectorySearcher filter: (&(|(&(objectClass=user)(!(objectClass=computer)))(objectClass=group))(objectSid=S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151))
    06/18/2012 15:15:17 [10] DEBUG AdHelper Searching in trusted domains
    06/18/2012 15:15:17 [10] DEBUG AdHelper AdHelper.SearchInTrustedDomain Impersonating Domain='' and username = 'id_ppoluan'.
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] ERROR AdHelper Error: Connection, Failed to search for S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151 in domain, Sid 
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] ERROR AdHelper Failed to search in trusted domain System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password
       at EpReader.ActiveDirectory.AdImpersonator.ImpersonateValidUser(String domain, String userName, String password)
       at EpReader.ActiveDirectory.AdHelper.SearchInTrustedDomain[T](ITrustedDomain domain, String query, String queryPropertyName, SearchMatching matching, IList`1 searchedTrustedDomains, IList`1& searchErrors)
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] WARN  AdHelper Trusted Domain Search Error: Error: Connection, Failed to search for S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151 in domain, Sid 
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] DEBUG AccessRightsBase Object found
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] ERROR AccessRightsBase Credentials for domain are not available
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] DEBUG AccessRightsBase Searching for direct parents in machine's local groups.
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [01] INFO  Progress Reading local groups membership information
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] DEBUG LocalMembershipProvider Created instance for target
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] DEBUG LocalMembershipProvider Getting local direct parents for S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] DEBUG LocalMembershipProvider Returning cached data
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] DEBUG FileRights Getting effective entries
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] DEBUG FileRights No effective entries found. Returning empty item.
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [01] INFO  Progress Warning, some information outside the active domain was unreachable: Credentials for domain are not available
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [01] INFO  Progress 
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [01] INFO  Progress Reading Share rights
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] DEBUG MainWindow Impersonating for GetShareRights Domain='id007' and username='id_ppoluan'.
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] DEBUG ShareRights Creating instance for path '\\ho_sfilesrv01\Merchandise'
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] DEBUG ShareRights Opening remote registry on machine ho_sfilesrv01
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] DEBUG ShareRights Getting security descriptor
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [01] INFO  Progress 
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [01] INFO  Progress Calculating Share permissions
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] DEBUG MainWindow Impersonating for shareRights.GetSecurityItemForIdentity2 Domain='id007' and username='id_ppoluan'.
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] DEBUG ShareRights ShareRights.GetSecurityItemForIdentity2 S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] DEBUG ShareRights Getting list of all parents
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] DEBUG AccessRightsBase GetAdParents ID007\id_shutagalung2
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] DEBUG AccessRightsBase Find first object
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] DEBUG AdHelper Search "S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151", property objectSid, matching Exact, type EpReader.ActiveDirectory.IAdObject
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] DEBUG AdHelper DirectorySearcher filter: (&(|(&(objectClass=user)(!(objectClass=computer)))(objectClass=group))(objectSid=S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151))
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] DEBUG AdHelper Searching in trusted domains
    06/18/2012 15:15:18 [10] DEBUG AdHelper AdHelper.SearchInTrustedDomain Impersonating Domain='' and username = 'id_ppoluan'.
    06/18/2012 15:15:19 [10] ERROR AdHelper Error: Connection, Failed to search for S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151 in domain, Sid 
    06/18/2012 15:15:19 [10] ERROR AdHelper Failed to search in trusted domain System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password
       at EpReader.ActiveDirectory.AdImpersonator.ImpersonateValidUser(String domain, String userName, String password)
       at EpReader.ActiveDirectory.AdHelper.SearchInTrustedDomain[T](ITrustedDomain domain, String query, String queryPropertyName, SearchMatching matching, IList`1 searchedTrustedDomains, IList`1& searchErrors)
    06/18/2012 15:15:19 [10] WARN  AdHelper Trusted Domain Search Error: Error: Connection, Failed to search for S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151 in domain, Sid 
    06/18/2012 15:15:19 [10] DEBUG AccessRightsBase Object found
    06/18/2012 15:15:19 [10] ERROR AccessRightsBase Credentials for domain are not available
    06/18/2012 15:15:19 [10] DEBUG AccessRightsBase Searching for direct parents in machine's local groups.
    06/18/2012 15:15:19 [01] INFO  Progress Reading local groups membership information
    06/18/2012 15:15:19 [10] DEBUG LocalMembershipProvider Created instance for target
    06/18/2012 15:15:19 [10] DEBUG LocalMembershipProvider Getting local direct parents for S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151
    06/18/2012 15:15:19 [10] DEBUG LocalMembershipProvider Returning cached data
    06/18/2012 15:15:19 [10] DEBUG ShareRights Getting effective entries
    06/18/2012 15:15:19 [10] DEBUG ShareRights No effective entries found. Returning empty item.
    06/18/2012 15:15:19 [01] INFO  Progress Warning, some information outside the active domain was unreachable: Credentials for domain are not available
    06/18/2012 15:15:19 [01] INFO  Progress 
    06/18/2012 15:15:19 [01] INFO  Progress Merging results
    06/18/2012 15:15:19 [01] INFO  Progress 
    06/18/2012 15:15:19 [01] INFO  Progress Finished.
    06/18/2012 15:15:19 [10] DEBUG MainWindow Membership cache deleted.
    06/18/2012 15:15:24 [06] DEBUG AdHelper Creating AdHelper - server, login id_ppoluan
    06/18/2012 15:15:24 [06] DEBUG AdHelper loginPath: LDAP://,DC=carrefour,DC=com
    06/18/2012 15:15:24 [06] DEBUG AdHelper connected
  • Permissions Analyzer always tries to log in, and when it fails, it reports the warning. You basically limit the search to one domain by not providing the credentials for it.

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember in reply to michalB

    Okay, I tried specifying *only* the credentials for


    I still hit an error, though:

    06/18/2012 16:12:32 [01] DEBUG MainWindow Validating path
    06/18/2012 16:12:32 [01] DEBUG MainWindow Path is valid.
    06/18/2012 16:12:32 [11] DEBUG MainWindow Starting analysis
    06/18/2012 16:12:32 [11] DEBUG MainWindow Parameters:
    Path:'\\ho_sfilesrv01\Merchandise\PL Grocery Develoment Progress'
    06/18/2012 16:12:32 [11] DEBUG MainWindow Current Settings:
    Active Server:
    Server entries:
    Server='', Domain='', Username='id_ppoluan', Password='I'll never tell'
    Caching: False
    Software Graphics OverrideFalse
    User Filter:
    Current Domain:
    Current Machine: HO_NPEPOLUAN
    06/18/2012 16:12:32 [01] INFO  Progress Looking for user 'id_shutagalung2'.
    06/18/2012 16:12:32 [11] DEBUG MainWindow Domain Credential='', DomainName='', DomainSpecified='False'
    06/18/2012 16:12:32 [11] DEBUG MainWindow Impersonating Domain='', Username='id_ppoluan'.
    06/18/2012 16:12:32 [11] DEBUG AdHelper Creating AdHelper - server, login id_ppoluan
    06/18/2012 16:12:32 [11] DEBUG AdHelper loginPath: LDAP://,DC=carrefour,DC=com
    06/18/2012 16:12:32 [11] DEBUG AdHelper connected
    06/18/2012 16:12:32 [11] DEBUG MainWindow AdHelper working as IP='', Username='id_ppoluan, TrustedDomainSearchEnabled='True'.
    06/18/2012 16:12:32 [11] DEBUG AdHelper Search "id_shutagalung2", property displayOrAccountName, matching Exact, type EpReader.ActiveDirectory.IAdObject
    06/18/2012 16:12:32 [11] DEBUG AdHelper DirectorySearcher filter: (&(|(&(objectClass=user)(!(objectClass=computer)))(objectClass=group))(|(sAMAccountName=id_shutagalung2)(displayName=id_shutagalung2)))
    06/18/2012 16:12:32 [11] DEBUG AdHelper Searching in trusted domains
    06/18/2012 16:12:32 [11] DEBUG AdHelper AdHelper.SearchInTrustedDomain Impersonating Domain='' and username = 'id_ppoluan'.
    06/18/2012 16:12:32 [11] ERROR AdHelper Error: Connection, Failed to search for id_shutagalung2 in domain, Sid 
    06/18/2012 16:12:32 [11] ERROR AdHelper Failed to search in trusted domain System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password
       at EpReader.ActiveDirectory.AdImpersonator.ImpersonateValidUser(String domain, String userName, String password)
       at EpReader.ActiveDirectory.AdHelper.SearchInTrustedDomain[T](ITrustedDomain domain, String query, String queryPropertyName, SearchMatching matching, IList`1 searchedTrustedDomains, IList`1& searchErrors)
    06/18/2012 16:12:32 [11] WARN  AdHelper Trusted Domain Search Error: Error: Connection, Failed to search for id_shutagalung2 in domain, Sid 
    06/18/2012 16:12:32 [11] DEBUG MainWindow Impersonating Domain='' and username='id_ppoluan'.
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG MainWindow Found user with SID='S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151'.
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG MainWindow Found path='LDAP:// Hutagalung,OU=Merchandise,OU=userc4,DC=id,DC=carrefour,DC=com'.
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG MainWindow Found account name='id_shutagalung2'.
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG AdHelper Creating AdHelper - server, login id_ppoluan
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG AdHelper loginPath: LDAP://,DC=carrefour,DC=com
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG AdHelper connected
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG MainWindow AdHelper working as IP='', Username='id_ppoluan, TrustedDomainSearchEnabled='True'.
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [01] INFO  Progress 
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [01] INFO  Progress Reading NTFS rights
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG FileRights Creating instance for path '\\ho_sfilesrv01\Merchandise\PL Grocery Develoment Progress'
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG FileRights MachineName is
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG FileRights Reading ACL
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG FileRights Creating Security Items
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG FileRights Security Items created.
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [01] INFO  Progress 
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [01] INFO  Progress Calculating NTFS permissions
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG FileRights ShareRights.GetSecurityItemForIdentity2 S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG FileRights Getting list of all parents
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG AccessRightsBase GetAdParents ID007\id_shutagalung2
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG AccessRightsBase Find first object
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG AdHelper Search "S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151", property objectSid, matching Exact, type EpReader.ActiveDirectory.IAdObject
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG AdHelper DirectorySearcher filter: (&(|(&(objectClass=user)(!(objectClass=computer)))(objectClass=group))(objectSid=S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151))
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG AdHelper Searching in trusted domains
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG AdHelper AdHelper.SearchInTrustedDomain Impersonating Domain='' and username = 'id_ppoluan'.
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] ERROR AdHelper Error: Connection, Failed to search for S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151 in domain, Sid 
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] ERROR AdHelper Failed to search in trusted domain System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password
       at EpReader.ActiveDirectory.AdImpersonator.ImpersonateValidUser(String domain, String userName, String password)
       at EpReader.ActiveDirectory.AdHelper.SearchInTrustedDomain[T](ITrustedDomain domain, String query, String queryPropertyName, SearchMatching matching, IList`1 searchedTrustedDomains, IList`1& searchErrors)
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] WARN  AdHelper Trusted Domain Search Error: Error: Connection, Failed to search for S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151 in domain, Sid 
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG AccessRightsBase Object found
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG AccessRightsBase AccessRightsBase.GetAdParents Impersonating '\id_ppoluan'
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG AdHelper Creating AdHelper - server, login id_ppoluan
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG AdHelper loginPath: LDAP://,DC=carrefour,DC=com
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG AdHelper connected
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG AccessRightsBase Searching for object in its domain
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG AdHelper Search "S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151", property objectSid, matching Exact, type EpReader.ActiveDirectory.IAdObject
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG AdHelper DirectorySearcher filter: (&(|(&(objectClass=user)(!(objectClass=computer)))(objectClass=group))(objectSid=S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151))
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG AccessRightsBase object found
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG AccessRightsBase ReadAndEnqueueMemberOfItems for Susi Hutagalung
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG AccessRightsBase TraverseCurrentDomain
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [01] INFO  Progress Reading membership information for GG_ID_Merch(PLGroc)@PrivateLabel_U
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG AccessRightsBase ReadAndEnqueueMemberOfItems for GG_ID_Merch(PLGroc)@PrivateLabel:U
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] ERROR AccessRightsBase System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80005000): Unknown error (0x80005000)
       at System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.Bind(Boolean throwIfFail)
       at System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.Bind()
       at System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.get_AdsObject()
       at System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection.PopulateList()
       at System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection..ctor(DirectoryEntry entry, String propertyName)
       at System.DirectoryServices.PropertyCollection.get_Item(String propertyName)
       at EpReader.ActiveDirectory.AdObjectFactory.CreateObject(DirectoryEntry entry)
       at EpReader.ActiveDirectory.AdHelper.FindObject(String path)
       at EpReader.FileRights.AccessRightsBase.ReadAndEnqueMemberOfItems(Logging log, String currentDomain, IAdObject entry, IActiveDirectoryHelper activeAdHelper, List`1 parents)
       at EpReader.FileRights.AccessRightsBase.TraverseCurrentDomain(Logging log, List`1 parents, String currentDomain, IActiveDirectoryHelper activeAdHelper, ProcessingStatus status)
       at EpReader.FileRights.AccessRightsBase.GetAdParents(Logging log, AccountInfo accountInfo, ProcessingStatus status, List`1 searchErrors)
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG AccessRightsBase Searching for direct parents in machine's local groups.
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [01] INFO  Progress Reading local groups membership information
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG LocalMembershipProvider Created instance for target
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG LocalMembershipProvider Getting local direct parents for S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG LocalMembershipProvider Returning cached data
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG FileRights Getting effective entries
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG FileRights No effective entries found. Returning empty item.
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [01] INFO  Progress Warning, some information outside the active domain was unreachable: Failed to search in domain
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [01] INFO  Progress 
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [01] INFO  Progress Reading Share rights
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG MainWindow Impersonating for GetShareRights Domain='' and username='id_ppoluan'.
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG ShareRights Creating instance for path '\\ho_sfilesrv01\Merchandise\PL Grocery Develoment Progress'
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG ShareRights Opening remote registry on machine ho_sfilesrv01
    06/18/2012 16:12:33 [11] DEBUG ShareRights Getting security descriptor
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [01] INFO  Progress 
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [01] INFO  Progress Calculating Share permissions
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG MainWindow Impersonating for shareRights.GetSecurityItemForIdentity2 Domain='' and username='id_ppoluan'.
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG ShareRights ShareRights.GetSecurityItemForIdentity2 S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG ShareRights Getting list of all parents
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG AccessRightsBase GetAdParents ID007\id_shutagalung2
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG AccessRightsBase Find first object
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG AdHelper Search "S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151", property objectSid, matching Exact, type EpReader.ActiveDirectory.IAdObject
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG AdHelper DirectorySearcher filter: (&(|(&(objectClass=user)(!(objectClass=computer)))(objectClass=group))(objectSid=S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151))
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG AdHelper Searching in trusted domains
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG AdHelper AdHelper.SearchInTrustedDomain Impersonating Domain='' and username = 'id_ppoluan'.
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] ERROR AdHelper Error: Connection, Failed to search for S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151 in domain, Sid 
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] ERROR AdHelper Failed to search in trusted domain System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password
       at EpReader.ActiveDirectory.AdImpersonator.ImpersonateValidUser(String domain, String userName, String password)
       at EpReader.ActiveDirectory.AdHelper.SearchInTrustedDomain[T](ITrustedDomain domain, String query, String queryPropertyName, SearchMatching matching, IList`1 searchedTrustedDomains, IList`1& searchErrors)
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] WARN  AdHelper Trusted Domain Search Error: Error: Connection, Failed to search for S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151 in domain, Sid 
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG AccessRightsBase Object found
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG AccessRightsBase AccessRightsBase.GetAdParents Impersonating '\id_ppoluan'
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG AdHelper Creating AdHelper - server, login id_ppoluan
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG AdHelper loginPath: LDAP://,DC=carrefour,DC=com
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG AdHelper connected
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG AccessRightsBase Searching for object in its domain
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG AdHelper Search "S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151", property objectSid, matching Exact, type EpReader.ActiveDirectory.IAdObject
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG AdHelper DirectorySearcher filter: (&(|(&(objectClass=user)(!(objectClass=computer)))(objectClass=group))(objectSid=S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151))
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG AccessRightsBase object found
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG AccessRightsBase ReadAndEnqueueMemberOfItems for Susi Hutagalung
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG AccessRightsBase TraverseCurrentDomain
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [01] INFO  Progress Reading membership information for GG_ID_Merch(PLGroc)@PrivateLabel_U
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG AccessRightsBase ReadAndEnqueueMemberOfItems for GG_ID_Merch(PLGroc)@PrivateLabel:U
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] ERROR AccessRightsBase System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80005000): Unknown error (0x80005000)
       at System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.Bind(Boolean throwIfFail)
       at System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.Bind()
       at System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.get_AdsObject()
       at System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection.PopulateList()
       at System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection..ctor(DirectoryEntry entry, String propertyName)
       at System.DirectoryServices.PropertyCollection.get_Item(String propertyName)
       at EpReader.ActiveDirectory.AdObjectFactory.CreateObject(DirectoryEntry entry)
       at EpReader.ActiveDirectory.AdHelper.FindObject(String path)
       at EpReader.FileRights.AccessRightsBase.ReadAndEnqueMemberOfItems(Logging log, String currentDomain, IAdObject entry, IActiveDirectoryHelper activeAdHelper, List`1 parents)
       at EpReader.FileRights.AccessRightsBase.TraverseCurrentDomain(Logging log, List`1 parents, String currentDomain, IActiveDirectoryHelper activeAdHelper, ProcessingStatus status)
       at EpReader.FileRights.AccessRightsBase.GetAdParents(Logging log, AccountInfo accountInfo, ProcessingStatus status, List`1 searchErrors)
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG AccessRightsBase Searching for direct parents in machine's local groups.
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [01] INFO  Progress Reading local groups membership information
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG LocalMembershipProvider Created instance for target
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG LocalMembershipProvider Getting local direct parents for S-1-5-21-3367637610-3064857572-604776629-16151
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG LocalMembershipProvider Returning cached data
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG ShareRights Getting effective entries
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG ShareRights effective entry: ID007\GMerchandise: : AppendData, ChangePermissions, CreateDirectories, CreateFiles, Delete, DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles, ExecuteFile, FullControl, ListDirectory, Modify, Read, ReadAndExecute, ReadAttributes, ReadData, ReadExtendedAttributes, ReadPermissions, Synchronize, TakeOwnership, Traverse, Write, WriteAttributes, WriteData, WriteExtendedAttributes
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG ShareRights effective entry: ID007\GQuality: : AppendData, ChangePermissions, CreateDirectories, CreateFiles, Delete, DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles, ExecuteFile, FullControl, ListDirectory, Modify, Read, ReadAndExecute, ReadAttributes, ReadData, ReadExtendedAttributes, ReadPermissions, Synchronize, TakeOwnership, Traverse, Write, WriteAttributes, WriteData, WriteExtendedAttributes
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG ShareRights Merging
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [11] DEBUG ShareRights Returning ShareSecurityItem : AppendData, ChangePermissions, CreateDirectories, CreateFiles, Delete, DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles, ExecuteFile, FullControl, ListDirectory, Modify, Read, ReadAndExecute, ReadAttributes, ReadData, ReadExtendedAttributes, ReadPermissions, Synchronize, TakeOwnership, Traverse, Write, WriteAttributes, WriteData, WriteExtendedAttributes
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [01] INFO  Progress Warning, some information outside the active domain was unreachable: Failed to search in domain
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [01] INFO  Progress 
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [01] INFO  Progress Merging results
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [01] INFO  Progress 
    06/18/2012 16:12:34 [01] INFO  Progress Finished.
    06/18/2012 16:12:35 [11] DEBUG MainWindow Membership cache deleted.
  • The error is logged because the application tried to search the domain but failed to log in using the available credentials. That is fine as long as you can actually see the results

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