96. There's More Than One Way to Monitor Database Performance

Data, and database growth, is exponential. With this added growth comes added complexity, making it difficult to find resolutions when problems arise. And if this wasn't difficult enough, the hybrid world in which we live makes performance monitoring and tuning harder than ever. It's hard to find a single solution that fits all your database needs—from cross-platform support, deep-dive diagnostics, root-cause analysis, and cloud-native focus.

In this episode of SolarWinds Lab, Head Geeks Kevin Kline and Thomas LaRock will show you the basics of database monitoring using free features within Microsoft® SQL Server® like Extended Events and SQL Agent Monitoring. Then they'll show you how to extend and amplify your database performance monitoring effectiveness with SolarWinds products Server & Application Monitor, Database Performance Analyzer, SQL Sentry, Database Performance Monitor, and Database Insights for SQL Server.

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