Windows Remote Desktop Services - Connection Broker Role

Windows Services

Remote Desktop Configuration

Remote Desktop Configuration Broker

Remote Desktop Services

Remote Desktop Services UserMode Port Redirector

Connection Broker Performance Counters

Successful ConnectionsThe total number of successful connections since the service started.
Failed ConnectionsThe total number of failed connections since the service started.
Total ConnectionsThe total number of connections handled by the Connection Brokers since the service started.

Redirector Performance Counters

Connection timeThe average time (in milliseconds) for the Connection Broker to complete an incoming RDP connection.
Averaged at 5 second intervals.
Context acquisition wait timeThe average wait time (in milliseconds) for each thread to acquire RPC connection at the Redirector.
Averaged at 5 second intervals.
RPC ContextThe number of active RPC connections from the Redirector to the Connection Broker.

Database Performance Counters

Active ContextsThe total number of simultaneous requests that are currently being processed by the Connection Broker database.
Database execution time

The average time (in milliseconds) taken to complete the stored procedures execution.

Averaged at 5 second intervals.

Database wait time

The average wait time (in milliseconds) for pending requests to be dispatched to the connection broker database.

Averaged at 5 second intervals.

Failed Stored Procedure callsThe total number of failed stored procedure calls since the service started.
Successful Stored Procedure callsThe total number of successful stored procedure calls completed since the service started.
Waiting ContextsThe total number of pending requests to be dispatched to the Connection Broker database.

Performance counters and descriptions taken from: