Microsoft Office 365 Exchange Mobile Device Statistics v2 (November 2018)

Microsoft Office 365 Exchange Mobile Device Statistics

This template shows information about Office 365 Exchange mobile devices and includes the following component monitors:

  • Mobile Users (Users with mobile devices associated with them)
  • Mobile Devices by OS
  • Mobile Devices (Inactive)
  • Mobile Devices by Access State (Allowed vs. Blocked)


  • Windows PowerShell needs to be configured to run scripts
  • Check the following article for prerequisites:


  • The user should have SAM Administrator permissions
  • Office 365 account with global administrator privileges.
    1. Microsoft has a Global Throttling Policy which limits simultaneous connections from one client for O365 to maximum three simultaneous connections”. The Scripts are designed to allow only 3 connections at a time, hence advise users to create and use an account for SAM monitoring only and nowhere else


  • Mobile Users (Users with mobile devices associated with them)
    • The component reports the number of users with mobile devices associated with them.
    • The message is a comma-delimited list of the user names.
    • Unit: Number
  • Mobile Devices by OS
    • The component reports on the users with mobile devices matching the operating Android, iOS, and Windows.
    • Unit: Number
  • Mobile Devices (Inactive)
    • The component reports on the users with mobile devices that have not interacted with the system in >= 90 days by default. The User if want can change the number of days by providing the value as Script argument.
    • Unit: Number
  • Mobile Devices by Access State (Allowed vs. Blocked)
    • This component reports on the mobile devices that have been allowed vs. blocked. Giving out the Statistic as number of Blocked account.
    • Unit: Number

Troubleshooting steps

Detail troubleshooting steps (common for template)

  • Use UPN format (username@domain) and not domain\username format to enter credentials. Also, a service account for Exchange Web Services is recommended to avoid authentication issues when passwords are updated.

Detail troubleshooting steps (specific for components if any)

  • Microsoft has a Global Throttling Policy which limits simultaneous connections from one client for O365 and maximum three simultaneous connections are allowed”.  To overcome this concurrency issue, we have implemented Locking mechanism and restricted 3 Scripts establishing a connection with Office-365, hence Sometimes scripts may take more time to fetch data, to handle such situation try to increase polling and time interval.
    • Error: “Fail to create a runspace because you have exceeded the maximum number of connections allowed : 3 for the policy party : MaxConcurrency. Please close existing runspace and try again.”

Portions of this document were originally created by and are excerpted from the following sources: