SonicWALL NSA 5.9 SonicOS-

SonicWall devices that have been upgraded to run SonicOS 5.9 have different commands and prompts than previous SonicOS versions.  This device requires to enter "configure" in order to issue any show commands.  We also disable paging with the "no cli pager session" command.

<Configuration-Management Device="SonicWALL NSA SonicOS v5.9" SystemOID="">


        <Command Name="RESET" Value="configure${CRLF}no cli pager session${CRLF}"/>

        <Command Name="Startup" Value="pending-config"/>

        <Command Name="Running" Value="current-config"/>

        <Command Name="DownloadConfig" Value="show ${ConfigType}"/>

        <Command Name="Version" Value="show status"/>

