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VMware Datastore Information in VCenter:


As the Solarwinds does not currently collect VMware Datastore usage information using the VMware API as shown above I created a Windows PowerShell Script to collect these information and write to Solarwinds Database – NetPerfMon. Then build a SQL report in Solarwinds shown below:



(1) Create a table to store Datastore Information in Solarwinds Database – NetPerfMon


(2) On the Solarwinds server (or a polling engine), Install VMware vSphere PowerCLI (You can download it from

(3) Create a PowerShell script to get Datastore Information from a Vcenter (not from VM host) and save to Solarwinds Database – NetPerfMon

################### GetDatastoreInfo.ps1 #####################################

##### Add VMWare Snanpin.

if(-not (Get-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))


   Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core 


$MB_TO_GB = 1024

$report = @()

$rowValues = @()

##### Get VC connected. ######################

$VCServer = "your-vcener-ip-or-name"

$VCUserName = "vcenter-user-name"

$VCPassword = "vcenter-password"

$VCconnection = Connect-VIServer $VCServer -Protocol https -User $VCUserName -Password $VCPassword -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

##### Get Datastore Information ##################

$allDataStores = Get-Datastore

foreach ($dStore in $allDataStores) {

     $row = $VCServer + "," + $dStore.Datacenter + "," + $dStore.UID  + "," + $dStore.Name + "," + $dStore.Type + "," + [int]($dStore.CapacityMB/$MB_TO_GB*10)/10.0 + "," + [int]($dStore.FreeSpaceMB/$MB_TO_GB*10)/10.0 + "," + [int](($dStore.FreeSpaceMB/$dStore.CapacityMB)*1000)/10.0 +  "," + [System.DateTime]::Now 

     $report += $row


Disconnect-VIServer $VCServer -Confirm:$False -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

##### Write to NetPerfMon database #########################

### open database connection

$SQLServer = "your-solarwinds-sql-server-name-or-ip" #use Server\Instance for named SQL instances!

$SQLDBName = "NetPerfMon"

$SQLDBUser = "db-username"

$SQLDBPwd = "db-password"

$SqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection

$SqlConnection.ConnectionString = "Server = $SQLServer; Database = $SQLDBName; user id=$SQLDBUser;password=$SQLDBPwd"


### instet rows

$Sqlcmd = $SqlConnection.CreateCommand()

foreach ($currentRow in $report){

  $rowValues = $currentRow.Split(",")

  $InsertStatement = "INSERT [dbo].[VIM_DatastoreInfo]  VALUES ( "

  $InsertStatement = $InsertStatement + "'" + $rowValues[0] + "','" + $rowValues[1] + "','" + $rowValues[2] + "','" + $rowValues[3] + "','" + $rowValues[4] + "'," +  $rowValues[5] + "," +  $rowValues[6] + "," + $rowValues[7] + ",'" + $rowValues[8] + "')" 

  #### Write-Host $InsertStatement   --- test code

  $Sqlcmd.CommandText = $InsertStatement





(4) Run the PowerShell script as a schedule task


(5)  Create a Solarwinds report


Tested in Solarwins NPM 10.4 & VMware 4 & 5


  • That is absolutely awesome approach to monitor VMWare Datastores. I had a couple glitches whilst configuring everything from scratch, but those were due to permissions, default settings for PowerCLI, some default restrictions in PowerShell, etc. After getting though all this stuff - I can confirm above implementation works like a charm. Thank you!

    Just a few follow-up questions:

    * I have noticed that new data will be appended to the old data. Is it possible to actually update all rows instead? Your help would be much appreciated

    --  This way I can safely run it every 5-10 minutes and always have latest snapshot of datastore usage in SolarWinds. It will also allow to utilise additional components to monitor trend and statistics for separate datastores - all what will be needed is a new component to check this table every 5-10 minutes and record data in usual SolarWinds fashion. I can even have it on my dashboard then...

    Thank you for sharing this with us!



  • OK, I am answering my own question above myself:

    After consulting with our DBA we came to conclusion that better way would be to utilise StoredProcedure within SQL to do the job. Here is what you need to do on top of everything what has been described above by hcy01uk

    1. Change powershell script above a little bit, just SQL part only (please note that this will not work until you complete step #2 as PowerShell script is referencing SQL SP):

    ### Upsert rows

    $Sqlcmd = $SqlConnection.CreateCommand()

    foreach ($currentRow in $report){

      $rowValues = $currentRow.Split(",")

      $Upsert = "exec stpUpsert_DatastoreInfo @p0 = " + $rowValues[0] + ","

      $Upsert = $Upsert + "@p1 = '" + $rowValues[1] + "',"

      $Upsert = $Upsert + "@p2 = '" + $rowValues[2] + "',"

      $Upsert = $Upsert + "@p3 = '" + $rowValues[3] + "',"

      $Upsert = $Upsert + "@p4 = '" + $rowValues[4] + "',"

      $Upsert = $Upsert + "@p5 = " + $rowValues[5] + ","

      $Upsert = $Upsert + "@p6 = " + $rowValues[6] + ","

      $Upsert = $Upsert + "@p7 = " + $rowValues[7] + ","

      $Upsert = $Upsert + "@p8 = '" + $rowValues[8]+ "'"

      # Write-Host $Upsert

      $Sqlcmd.CommandText = $Upsert





    2. Create StoredProcedure in SQL as follows:

    USE [YourSolarWindsDatabaseNameHere]






    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[stpUpsert_DatastoreInfo]

    -- ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[stpUpsert_DatastoreInfo]

      @p0 nvarchar(255),

      @p1 nvarchar(50),

      @p2 nvarchar(255),

      @p3 nvarchar(250),

      @p4 nvarchar(50),

      @p5 float,

      @p6 float,

      @p7 float,

      @p8 datetime




      if (select COUNT(*) from [dbo].[VIM_DatastoreInfo] where [VcenterName] = @p0 and [DatacenterName] = @p1 and [DatastoreUID] = @p2 and [DatastoreName] = @p3 and [DatastoreType] = @p4)>0


      update S set

      [CapacityGB] = @p5,

      [FreeSpaceGB] = @p6,

      [FreeSpacePercentage] = @p7,

      [DateTimeStamp] = @p8

      from [dbo].[VIM_DatastoreInfo] s

      where [VcenterName] = @p0 and [DatacenterName] = @p1 and [DatastoreUID] = @p2 and [DatastoreName] = @p3 and [DatastoreType] = @p4




        insert into [dbo].[VIM_DatastoreInfo] ([VcenterName],[DatacenterName],[DatastoreUID],[DatastoreName],[DatastoreType],[CapacityGB],[FreeSpaceGB],[FreeSpacePercentage],[DateTimeStamp]) values (@p0,@p1,@p2,@p3,@p4,@p5,@p6,@p7,@p8)



    3. Modify your Scheduled Task to run it every 5 minutes (or whatever interval is more applicable to your environment)

    4. Remove "WHERE" statement from the report (your table will only consist of one row per datastore at all times. So, you need to select all rows to see the latest info on all datastores). By the way, I have used web-based reports instead


    5. Voilà!

    Now you have a reference table in SQL server, which you can use to track datastore usage using separate components in SolarWinds. I am going to set this up now and will post an article how do do this.

    Thank you all,



  • Thank you Alex. It is brilliant. I will update my script when I am back from holiday. Patrick

  • I have summarised the whole process how to setup live VMWare Datastores monitoring here: Monitoring VMWare Datastores With SolarWinds SAM

    Thank You once again for sharing the above scripts



  • Alex,

    I am following your procedure in setting up monitoring VMware Datastores but I am getting error message when I insert the "Upsert Row" section into the powershell script. The error message I get is

    Exception calling "ExecuteNonQuery" with "0" argument(s): "Incorrect syntax near '-'."

    The script runs fine without the "Upsert Row" section but I'm looking for the report to show me only latest information rather than all the rows. The SQL Part is being put in after the Insert Row section.

    Can you help me out?


  • Hmm.. not entirely sure. I have notice that sometimes copy-paste would screw characters. Try re-typing... I could have uploaded text attachment here, but there is no option to upload a file

  • OK, I think I know. Do step (2) before step (1) in my previous comment. You do need to have Stored Procedure in SQL beforehand. Let me know how it goes...

  • Another test would be to run this PowerShell script with "Write-Host $Upsert" uncommented and ensure that every rowValue has a valid value. Non of them should be NULL

  • Thanks Alex,

    Had to create the stored procedure first before the Upsert rows commands would work...