Microsoft IIS SMTP Server

This template assesses the status and overall performance of a Microsoft SMTP Server.

Prerequisites: WMI access to the target server.

Credentials: Windows Administrator on the target server.

Monitored Components

Service: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

This monitor returns CPU and memory usage of SMTP service. This service is responsible for sending emails from one server to another.

SMTP Monitor

This component monitor tests the ability of an SMTP server to accept incoming connections and respond with the correct code.

% Recipients Local

This monitor shows the percentage of recipients that will be delivered locally.

% Recipients Remote

Shows the percentage of recipients that will be delivered remotely.

Badmailed Messages (Bad Pickup File)

This monitor shows the number of malformed pickup messages sent to the badmail directory (a default directory used for forwarding undeliverable messages). The value for this monitor should be as low as possible.

Badmailed Messages (General Failure)

This monitor shows the number of messages sent to badmail for reasons not associated with a specific counter. The value for this monitor should be as low as possible.

Badmailed Messages (Hop Count Exceeded)

This monitor shows the number of messages sent to badmail because they had exceeded the maximum hop count. The value for this monitor should be as low as possible.

Badmailed Messages (NDR of DSN)

This monitor shows the number of Delivery Status Notifications sent to badmail because they could not be delivered. If a message is undeliverable, it is returned to the sender with a non-delivery report (NDR). The value for this monitor should be as low as possible.

Badmailed Messages (No Recipients)

This monitor shows the number of messages sent to badmail because they had no recipients. The value for this monitor should be as low as possible.

Badmailed Messages (Triggered via Event)

This monitor shows the number of messages sent to badmail at the request of a server event sink. An event sink is mechanism for notifying clients when events occur. The value for this monitor should be as low as possible.

Connection Errors/sec

This monitor shows the number of connection errors occurring per second.

Inbound Connections Current

This monitor shows the total number of connections currently inbound.

DNS Queries/sec

This monitor shows the rate of DNS lookups.

Local Queue Length

This monitor shows the number of messages in the local queue.

Local Retry Queue Length

This monitor shows the number of messages in the local retry queue.

Messages Pending Routing

This monitor shows the number of messages that have been categorized but not routed.     

Messages Received/sec

This monitor shows the rate that inbound messages are being received.

Messages Delivered/sec

This monitor shows the rate that messages are delivered to local mailboxes.

Messages Sent/sec

This monitor shows the rate that outbound messages are being sent.

Outbound Connections Current

This monitor shows the number of connections currently outbound.

Remote Queue Length

This monitor shows the number of messages in the remote queue.

Remote Retry Queue Length

This monitor shows the number of messages in the retry queue for remote delivery.

Cat: Categorizations completed/sec

This monitor shows the total number of messages submitted to categorizer that have finished categorization.

Cat: Categorizations failed (DS connection failure)

This monitor shows the number of categorizations that failed due to an Active Directory connection failure. The value for this monitor should be as low as possible.

Cat: Categorizations failed (DS logon failure)

This monitor shows the number of categorizations that failed due to an Active Directory logon failure. The value for this monitor should be as low as possible.

Cat: Categorizations failed (non-retryable error)

This monitor shows the number of categorizations that failed with a hard error (one which does not allow attempts to retry the operation). The value for this monitor should be as low as possible.

Cat: Categorizations failed (Out Of Memory)

This monitor shows the number of categorizations that failed due to lack of available memory. The value for this monitor should be as low as possible.

Cat: Categorizations failed (retryable error)

This monitor shows the number of categorizations that failed with an error which allowed an attempt to retry the operation. The value for this monitor should be as low as possible.

Cat: Categorizations failed (sink retryable error)

This monitor shows the number of categorizations that failed with a generic error which allowed an attempt to retry the operation. The value for this monitor should be as low as possible.

Cat: Categorizations in progress

This monitor shows the number of categorizations in progress.

Events: SMTP Warnings and Errors

This monitor returns SMTP related warnings and errors. The value for this monitor should be as low as possible. For any values above zero, you should look in event log for details.

Portions of this document are based on: Microsoft copyright 2013