Log Parser (VBScript)

This monitor script shows the total number of strings that match the search criteria.

This script builds on the excellent work done by Bronx:

...And aLTeReGo:

All coding was accomplished by Josh Monnot ()


It returns all lines that match the search criteria divided by ";".

SYNTAX:  <drive>:\<dirpath>\<fileame> <searchpattern> <usage> <starting_position>


<searchpattern> can be straight text (banana), regex ("^(.*)(ERROR)(.*)$"), quoted or not.

<usage> can be:

   "total" (all lines found from <position> to the end of the file)

   "new" (all lines found since the last reading, in which case <position is ignored)

   "match" (???)

<starting_position> is the character to start searching from. Only valid when used with "total" or "match"


  • C:\GateESM\applogs.niftyprogram.log ^(.*)(ERROR)(.*)$ total 0
  • \\SERVERABV\D$\temp\applogs.niftyprogram.log ^(.*)(ERROR)(.*)$ total 0
  • \\mydomain.net\applications\oh001\PackingSlips\prod\errored\applogs.niftyprogram.log ^(.*)(ERROR)(.*)$ total 0