Microsoft Windows Hyper-V Server Statistic

This template assesses the status and overall performance of a Microsoft Windows Hyper-V server installed as server role by retrieving statistics from performance counters.

Prerequisites: WMI access to the target server.

Credentials: Windows Administrator on the target server.

Monitored Components

Service: Hyper-V Image Management

This component returns the CPU and memory usage of the Hyper-V Image Management service which provides Image Management servicing for Hyper-V.

Service: Hyper-V Networking Management

This component returns the CPU and memory usage of the Hyper-V Networking Management service which provides Hyper-V Networking WMI management

Service: Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management

This component returns the CPU and memory usage of the Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management service for Hyper-V which allows it to run multiple virtual machines.

Hypervisor: Monitored Notifications

This monitor returns the number of monitored notifications registered with the hypervisor. Monitored notifications are part of an interrupt coalescing technique Hyper-V uses to reduce virtualization overhead. For example, when a guest has data to transmit over the network, it could send an interrupt for each packet to the root VP that will actually do the I/O or it can send one interrupt to let the root know data is starting to flow. This counter is an indication of the number of “flows” of interrupts being set to the root and guests.

Hypervisor: Partitions

This monitor returns the number of virtual machines, or partitions, present in the system. Each virtual machine on the system is run in a container called a partition. If you have no VMs running, this value will be set to 1 because the “host OS,” called the “root” in Hyper-V, is also running in a partition.  So if you have 2 guest VM’s running this value will be 3. +1 for each guest and +1 for the root.

Hypervisor: Total Pages

This monitor returns the number of bootstrap and deposited pages in the hypervisor. The Hypervisor needs memory in order to keep track of Virtual Processors, Guest Virtual address to System Physical Address translation entries in the virtual TLB, and so on.  The total pages keep track of the total amount of memory the Hypervisor is using for management or partitions. A page is 4 KBytes. This is not the total amount used to support a guest. Total Pages can change based on what guests VMs are running.

Logical Processor: % Guest Run Time

This monitor returns the percentage of time spent by the processor in guest code. This is the percentage of time guest code is running on an LP or for the _Total the average percentage across all LPs.

Logical Processor: % Hypervisor Run Time

This monitor returns the percentage of time spent by the processor in hypervisor code. This is the percentage of time the Hypervisor is running on an LP or for _Total the average percentage across all LP. This is similar to % Kernel Run Time in the Processor counter set.

Logical Processor: % Idle Time

This monitor returns the percentage of time spent by the processor in an idle state. This is the percentage of time the LP is waiting for work for _Total the average percentage across all LP.  This is similar to % Kernel Run Time in the Processor counter set.

Logical Processor: % Total Run Time

This monitor returns the percentage of time spent by the processor in guest and hypervisor code. This is just a sum of %Guest Run Time + % Hypervisor Runtime. This counter can go over 100% just slightly (<0.5%).  The problem has to do with how performance counters are computed. If you take the current time then value1 and later the end time and value2 this means value2 has the potential to increase between when end time was read and value2 is read. You would change it to get the start time then value1 and later value2 and end time. In this case the number would always be slightly less than 100.

Root Partition: 1G GPA pages

This monitor returns the number of 1G pages present in the GPA space of the partition.

Root Partition: 2M GPA pages

This monitor returns the number of 2M pages present in the GPA space of the partition.

Root Partition: Deposited Pages

This monitor returns the number of pages deposited into the partition. It shows how much memory the hypervisor is using for managing the system.

Health Critical

This counter represents the number of virtual machines that have critical health. If anything is critical it means some resource, (most likely a disk), has been exhausted or some other unrecoverable error has occurred. If you see “Health Critical” you should take action to figure out what has happened.

Health Ok

This counter represents the number of virtual machines with health that is ok.

Paused virtual machines

This counter represents the number of virtual machines that are paused.

Running virtual machines

This counter represents the number of virtual machines that are running.

Turned off virtual machines

This counter represents the number of virtual machines that are turned off.

Virtual Network: Bytes/sec

This counter represents the total number of bytes per second traversing the virtual switch.

Note: You should set the correct name of instance. To see which instances are available for this counter, run Perfmon and find the “Hyper-V Virtual Switch\Bytes/sec” counter.

Virtual Network: Packets/sec

This counter represents the total number of packets per second traversing the virtual switch.

Note: You should set the correct name of the instance. To see which instances are available for this counter, run Perfmon and find the “Hyper-V Virtual Switch\Bytes/sec” counter.

Portions of this document were originally created by and are excerpted from the following sources:

Microsoft Corporation, “Technet Library,” Copyright Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation. 

All rights reserved. Available at