Process Count Monitor

Process Count Monitor
  • This a Power Shell script to count a running process.

    Just change lsass with the process name you want to count.

    I have testet this on Windows 2008. You need Powershell 2.0

    To make powershell working you have to ...
    - On the Orion Server open a power shell window
    PS C:\> winrm quickconfig
    Make these changes [y/n]? y
    PS C:\Users\ > cd wsman:
    PS C:\Users\ > cd localhost\client
    PS C:\Users\ > dir

    PS C:\Users\ > set-Item TrustedHosts *
    PS C:\Users\ > restart-Service winrm

    - On the monitored server:
    PS C:\> winrm quickconfig
    Make these changes [y/n]? y

    Now you should be ready to use it.