Work is a derivative of ecmel work on Modern Dashboards of similar name. I want to give a quick shout for great work. I went and made a few changes based on a use case for supporting hundreds of locations. This uses a new Custom Property named "Site" to identify groups of systems to locations. The Totals at the top of each screen finds any node with the Status grouped by site to show a proper total of site outages.
Note: Nodes only show up once you assign a value to the Custom Property Site. These Nodes should be limited to critical Nodes that impact sites.
The Dashboard are set to the names:
Site Summary – Overview
Site Summary – System Status
Site Summary – Alert Status
The Dashboards are looking for a Node Level Custom Property Named Site. You will need to create the Site Custom Property, then assign Nodes to a Site Name and the dashboards will show data.
Site Filters to be able to see per site and status, in addition to a Filter Reset at the Top Right of each page to reset views and re-filter on demand.
The dashboard names should never be changed. The links in within each dashboard look for these names to be able to know which Dashboard to link to the same or other site pages.