Shared Files for the SolarWinds Platform
  • Actual % Usage for IPAM IPv6 Supernets (Custom Table SQL)

    Custom Table widget for calculating & usage of IPAM IPv6 Supernets. As you may know, IPAM approach in calculating supernet usage is a bit misleading, which I described here: IPAM - Better Supernet Utilization In Custom Table Edit you will need to define Percentage Bar:
  • Actual % Usage for IPAM IPv4 Supernets (Custom Table SQL)

    Custom Table widget for calculating & usage of IPAM IPv4 Supernets. As you may know, IPAM approach in calculating supernet usage is a bit misleading, which I described here: In Custom Table Edit you will need to define Percentage Bar:
  • NTA Query - Endpoint has traffic

    I was playing with NTA alerts, and realized that they were far too granular. So I came up with this: SELECT TOP 10 Caption , Nodes.FlowsByHostname.DestinationHostname , Nodes.FlowsByHostname.TimeStamp FROM Orion.Nodes as Nodes WHERE Nodes.FlowsByHostname.DestinationHostname LIKE '%HOSTNAME%' AND Nodes.FlowsByHostname.TimeStamp >= AddMinute(-17,DateTrunc('minute', GetUtcDate())) AND Nodes.FlowsByHostname.TimeStamp <= AddMinute(-2,DateTrunc('minute', GetUtcDate())) Just modify the DestinationHostName...
  • widget - discovery status by polling engine

    The purpose of this widget is to identify which polling engine discoveries are running from as well as identify which discoveries found new nodes vs changed nodes. This is highly dependent on naming your discoveries accordingly, and I didn't see a way to add a link to directly go to editing discoveries here, but it should at least help people get an at a glance for "what happened?" SELECT TOP 20 e.Servername as "PollingEngine" , Frequency , LastRun , Status , NotImportedNodescount as NewNodes ...
  • Switch Stacks with Problems

    In the process of some of what I do, I realized I didn't see any sort of report (or widget) that specifically tries to identify switch stack problems. This widget should generally highlight power or data ring issues in general. Hopefully this helps some folks out. Query: SELECT TOP 1000 Displayname , DataRingRedundant as DataRing_Active , StatusDescription , ONS.Nodes.IP_Address , DataRingStatusDescription as DataRing_Status , PowerRingStatusDescription as PowerRing_Status , RingFailure ...
  • All Nodes Drilldown Widget

    Intro Recently stumbled upon a modern dashboard widget type called drilldown. I had seen this before but didn’t give it much thought to how it would be used. That is, until I wanted to try and recreate the All Nodes widget from the Home Summary page in a modern widget. I thought about using a table widget but scrolling and the “row/column” feel didn’t feel as clean as a dropdown. As I began playing with the widget, I was unable to find any documentation related to this drilldown widget, which has...
  • Translate date from API returned as Day Mon DD HH:MM:SS TZN YYYY (Cisco ISE) and display color coded

    Greetings, I built this with my temperature page that I made up a year or 2 ago in mind. One of our Networks guys wanted to poll the system expiration date on his Cisco ISE appliances via API and have it displayed in a similar fashion (Green Yellow Red) The challenge was that this value is stored in a String format that makes date time calculations difficult. This script pulls that value, converts it to a datetime format, and then when used as the data source for a custom table with HTML...
  • Custom Chart Legend - Can it be hidden/removed

    looking to see if there is an option to hide or turn off legend in custom query chart. It takes up to much dashboard real-estate, and as long as the hover action maintains, the legend is not needed.
  • Component Count by App per Node

    Here is a query to get the component count per App Monitor per Server SELECT [C].Application.Node.Caption as Node , [C].Application.Name As Application , [C].Application.Template.Name As Template , Count(*) as Components From Orion.APM.Component [C] Group by [C].Application.Name, [C].Application.Template.Name, [C].Application.Node.Caption Order by Components Desc
  • Syslog & Trap widgets for Node & Interface Details Views

    Hello, I have prepared a full video tutorial for adding custom Syslog and Trap widgets for Node & Interface Details Views. You can also use below description and attached TXT file will all the queries. First Node Details widget will allow you to jump directly from Node Details view to Log Viewer Dashboard and start the log analysis: In order to create above widget, please add "User Links" widget and include below hyperlinks: Log Viewer (Syslog & Traps) - Last Hour /ui/orionlog...
  • Insert html code into SQL query to show custom node availability

    Insert html code into SQL query Activate only when node down alert is triggered: Down EventType 5000 Up EventType 5001 HTML has a CASE clause in order to take control of percent availability. This script has a filter to show only events in a time frame 7 am to 4 pm
  • SAM Application Widget to simplify Application editing and searching from a single Dashboard Widget

    This simple custom query widget simplifies the identification of which Applications are assigned to a Node and allow easy editing of the Application Monitor, Application Template or Node. As with all code posted on the internet, please test the code in a test environment to ensure it works as expected and meets your requirements before deploying in productions. To add the widget follow the steps below. Add the Custom Query Widget to any Summary Dashboard and paste in the attached text into...
  • Custom Properties detected in Account Limitations

    This custom query widget will display any accounts which have limitation reliant upon Custom Properties. Please note this query does not directly identify the Custom Property Type, Name, or Value.  You'll have to investigate the details yourself.
  • Custom Properties detected in Report Definitions

    This custom query widget will display any reports which have logic reliant upon Custom Properties. Please note this query does not directly identify the Custom Property Type, Name, or Value.  You'll have to investigate the details yourself.
  • Custom Properties detected in Dynamic Group Definitions

    This custom query widget detects any Dynamic Queries for each group that rely upon Custom Properties. Please note this query does not directly identify the Custom Property Type, Name, or Value.  You'll have to investigate the details yourself.
  • Custom Properties detected in Actions (Reporting or Alerting)

    This custom query widget will display any actions (Reporting or Alerting) which rely upon custom properties. Please note this query does not directly identify the Custom Property Type, Name, or Value.  You'll have to investigate the details yourself.
  • Custom Properties detected in Alert Logic

    This custom query widget will display any alerts which have logic reliant upon Custom Properties. Please note this query does not directly identify the Custom Property Type, Name, or Value.  You'll have to investigate the details yourself.
  • Alert Email Settings

    This script will create a report with the To/From email addresses and the SMTP server used for every alert. Orion.Actions.Properties.PropertyValue contains the SMTP server ID but is blank in the cases where the alert uses the 'default' SMTP server. This results in a server lookup value of NULL. Someone with more SQL skills can probably figure out how to deal with that appropriately. In this version it is handled with a CASE statement that populates the value 'DEFAULT' rather than having it show...
  • Active alerts with acknowledge notes

    This is a method for handling events and alerts. The idea is that every time an alert is triggered, it can be acknowledged with the acknowledgment button. This way, the note can be saved in the historical tables. With this information, we can create modern dashboards and even integrate with Power BI for more detailed analysis. Modern Dashboard: Power Bi: The event is triggered, acknowledged by a NOC or SOC operator, at which point the acknowledgment note is added. Following this,...
  • SolarWinds/Orion Map Inventory

    Custom Query resource widget to display an inventory of SolarWinds/Orion Maps: The following columns are displayed: Map Creator Map Name Entity Count Created Date (Local Time) Last Updated (Local Time) The complementary search query has also been provided. It allows you to search by either the Map Creator's account name or the Map's Name. If you'd like to enable search: Copy the same query to the Search Query field Remove the double-dash from the beginning of the WHERE...