Function Main() ' Format of Syslog Messages in ACS Reports ' Syslog messages included in ACS reports have the following format: ' mmm dd hh:mm:ss XX:XX:XX:XX HOSTNAME TAG msg_id total_seg seg# A1=V1 ' The elements of the message are: ' n—The Priority value of the message; it is a combination of facility and severity of the syslog message, which is calculated according to RFC 3164, by first multiplying the facility value by 8 and then adding the severity value. ' mmm dd hh:mm:ss—Date and time of the message. ' XX:XX:XX:XX—IP Address of the machine generating this syslog message. ' HOSTNAME - Name of the machine generating this syslog message. ' TAG—One of the following values, depending on the application name. ' –CisACS_01_PassedAuth—Cisco ACS passed authentications. ' –CisACS_02_FailedAuth—Cisco ACS failed attempts. ' –CisACS_03_RADIUSAcc—Cisco ACS RADIUS accounting. ' –CisACS_04_TACACSAcc—Cisco ACS TACACS+ accounting. ' –CisACS_05_TACACSAdmin—Cisco ACS TACACS+ administration. ' –CisACS_06_VoIPAcc—Cisco ACS VoIP accounting. ' –CisACS_11_BackRestore—ACS backup and restore log messages. ' –CisACS_12_Replication—ACS database replication log messages. ' –CisACS_13_AdminAudit—ACS administration audit log messages. ' –CisACS_14_PassChanges—ACS user password changes log messages. ' –CisACS_15_ServiceMon—ACS service monitoring log messages. ' –CisACS_16_RDBMSSync—ACS RDBMS Synchronization Audit log messages. ' –CisACS_17_ApplAdmin—ACS Appliance Administration Audit log messages ' msg_id —Unique message id. All segments of one message share the same message ID. ' total_seg —Total number of segments in this message. ' seg# -Segment sequence number within this message segmentation. ' A1=V1—Attribute-value pairs delimited by a comma (,) for Cisco ACS log messages and the message itself. SyslogMsg = Fields.VarCleanMessageText CiscoACS = Split(SyslogMsg, " ") mmm = CiscoACS(0) dd = CiscoACS(1) hhmmss = CiscoACS(2) IP = CiscoACS(3) Hostname = CiscoACS(4) TAG = CiscoACS(5) msg_id = CiscoACS(6) total_seg = CiscoACS(7) seg = CiscoACS(8) For i = 0 to 8 PreA1V1 = PreA1V1 & CiscoACS(i) & " " Next A1V1 = Right(SyslogMsg, Len(SyslogMsg) - Len(PreA1V1)) NewSyslogMsg = TAG & " - " & A1V1 Fields.VarCleanMessageText = NewSyslogMsg ' Return "SUCCESS" or "OK" Main="OK" End Function