
Closed due to inactivity. Received 18 votes with last vote on 27 Nov 2014.

Importing and exporting web-based reports

As far as I can tell, there is no way to import or export the new web-based reports using the SolarWinds web console or by files on the server (NPM 10.6). I'd like a way to copy specific web-based reports from one system to another.  This would also facilitate the use of the thwack Content Exchange for new web-based reports.

I can see the reports in the database table "ReportDefinitions" and I can manually copy reports over using a SQL INSERT statement but it's a bit of a process that I don't believe most end users would be comfortable with.


For reference, I used the below SQL query to import one of the existing web-based interface reports in with a different name (for testing).

INSERT INTO [dbo].[ReportDefinitions] (Name, Title, SubTitle, Type, Description, Category, LegacyPath, Definition, ModuleTitle, RecipientList, LimitationCategory, Owner, LastRenderDuration, Comments)


    'TEST Report Import',

    'TEST Report Import',

    'Top 10 interfaces by highest discard percentage over the last 7 days',


    'Top 10 percent discards on interface',

    'Top XX',


    '<Report xmlns:i="" xmlns="">

       <Category>Top XX</Category>

          ---many many lines of XML code for the report contents---




    'Default Folder',


