

** This was implemented in Serv-U"

We are using Serv-u and use LDAP for authentication. Now with the new file sharing option when users goes to send files they have to enter their email twice because the field isn't populated via the email field found in LDAP even if it's configured under the LDAP Server, same thing for the name which is equal to the login name instead of the full name.

So autopopulation of EMAIL and NAME field for the file sharing when using LDAP authentication is a must I think and all the information is there so I'm sure it's not a big deal.

  • Serv-U 15.1.0 contains some improvements in this area.

    • LDAP users should still auto-populate the full name and email address according to the values coming from the LDAP server.  If they're not, then the attribute mappings may not be correctly configured. 
    • AD users should now see their full name and email address get auto-populated in these fields as the values are now being retrieved from the AD server.
    • The File Sharing Wizards no longer ask you to enter in your email address twice.  In fact, this field is now optional (although it's required if you want Serv-U to send the invitation itself).
  • So i see where you are using LDAP.  How can you solve this if you are just using Windows Authentication?

  • FormerMember

    Not sure if you have all found a resolution to this as yet - but I have had no issue with this (once I got through the slightly esoteric way the LDAP groups had to be configured at multiple levels to mimic the AD structure through to the user groups I wanted).  Following is a screen shot of a test user account logged in to file sharing on our system (from the "send a file" screen).  Name & email fields populate automatically with the correct info:

    User email info.bmp

    If your system is not populating the e-mail address field, best guess is this would tend to indicate the LDAP server attribute mapping (Users --> LDAP Authentication --> LDAP Servers & edit your host server) is not quite correct.  For our system the Email Address attribute being set to "mail" (case sensitive, I believe) works.

    If using AD for your LDAP source, csvde or a util like "AD Info" will tell you if this field is populated for a group of users (or if looking for just one user, ADUC user properties, email address in the General tab).

    List of attribute fields (in case anyone finds this useful - but all as I found documented):

    Base DN:     Whatever for your domain

    Search Filter:     (&(objectclass=user)(userPrincipalName=$LoginID))

    Home Directory:     Didn't use this - server has local folders

    Full Name:     name

    Email Address:     mail

    Login ID:     userPrincipalName

    Group Membership:     memberOf