
Add Ability to Adjust Widget Grid Size

Currently, all widgets are of a fixed size, which seems most necessary for the chart widgets (i.e. Top-N: Cluster CPU/Mem), but which is relatively arbitrary on other list-oriented widgets. I would like to propose that the vertical and horizontal dimensions of widgets and/or their respective grids be adjustable in order to fit more widgets on a page or else short/length them to hide irrelevant alerts/items or show more.

A possible frame of reference, though by no means specifically my desire, is the Log & Event Manager Monitor page, which even has two-cell widgets, which could be nice for some of the chart-based widgets.

Update: This was implemented in Virtualization Mananager 6.0 - see Dreams Do Come True: Virtualization Manager Integration with SAM and NPM.

  • Hi,

    You can try this feature by signing up via the SolarWinds Virtualization Manager 6.0 Beta Participation Survey.  Let me know if you have any questions.


  • cmgurley

    This is a great idea suggestion and long overdue in Virtualization Manager.  The current screen looks like this, with widgets a single size (1x1) in a grid.  You can add, delete and move widgets all you want, but you can't resize, which is especially annoying on charts and maps.


    So we have been working with our extraordinary UX team and here are some mockups of a potential solution.

    First, each widget allow you to customize the widget size from the edit menu.  We allow 1x1, 1x2, 2x1, and 2x2 options.



    Once you selected the desired size, the screen is re-displayed with the grid adjusted to accommodate the new widget.


    Changes would be persisted of course, so you set up your dashboards however you like.

    So this is how we think we could solve this problem, but more importantly, what do you think?

    Disclaimer:  Comments given in this forum should not be interpreted as a commitment that SolarWinds will deliver any specific feature in any particular time frame. All discussions of future plans or product roadmaps are base on the product teams intentions, but those plans can change at any time