• To use this device template, you must change the value for the VirtualPrompt command to be specific to the prompt of your device.   
    • For example, if you prompt is:   [root@BIP-IP-CHRIS-TEST:Active] #
    • You should set the VirtualPrompt value to:  BIP-IP-CHRIS-TEST
  • To backup the bigip.conf configuration file, download Running in the console
  • To backup the bigip_base.conf configuration file, download Startup in the console
  • The device template assumes that after login you are put into the /config directory where the *.conf files are stored.  If this is not the case with your BIG-IP device, please add appropriate path to conf files in template
  • Please see my comment here: . The device templates have nothing to do with config change templates.


  • FormerMember

    I am getting following error when i am validating template.

    Validation Failed: An error occurred during script parsing. Position: Line 1, Character 3 Error message: mismatched character '-' expecting '=' Please check script syntax.

  • FormerMember

    How do i use this template? Its asking me for following option, what would be the values?

      <Command Name="RESET" Value=""/>

                    <Command Name="Reboot" Value=""/>

                    <Command Name="RebootAt" Value=""/>

                    <Command Name="EnterConfigMode" Value=""/>

                    <Command Name="ExitConfigMode" Value=""/>

                    <Command Name="Startup" Value="list"/>

                    <Command Name="Running" Value="list"/>

                    <Command Name="DownloadConfig" Value="tmsh -q show running-config"/>

                    <Command Name="UploadConfig" Value=""/>

                    <Command Name="DownloadConfigIndirect" Value=""/>

                    <Command Name="UploadConfigIndirect" Value=""/>

                    <Command Name="EraseConfig" Value=""/>

                    <Command Name="SaveConfig" Value="tmsh save"/>

                    <Command Name="Version" Value="tmsh show sys version"/>